Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Last Training

Hello Everyone!

So first, we did so much last week, that it went by really fast and I don't remember a lot of it. But here's something I did remember, an experience with Pepo:

On Thursday I think it was, we had our lesson with Pepo. Elder Hardwick had been sick for about a week, and that evening he decided to ask the elders for a blessing. So while we were in the hallway talking (Pepo had also been sick) Elder Hardwick suggested to Pepo that he get a priesthood blessing to help him get better. So we explained to Pepo what that exactly meant and he said 'sure!' So Elder Harp gave his first blessing ever in Slovak to Pepo, and he told him that if he has faith to be healed, he will be healed that night. The next day Pepo got up, and noticed something that was different about him. He was not as sick as he had been the day before, but still had a bit of a cold. But he also noticed, that his knees, which have been hurting and aching for years, didn't hurt at all! The pain was completely gone! That night Pepo was so excited to tell us "Stalo sa zazrak!!" (A miracle has happened!)
Sometimes we ask God for little things, and because He loves us, He gives us what we really need. Even if that's not what we think we need. 

Also, Pepo got the Aaronic priesthood on Sunday! He's now a priest! President McConkie was there for branch conference and he got to be in the circle, so that was something special. When we asked him how he felt he said, "I feel like the brother of Moses!" 

Then yesterday was our last training with President McConkie. And it was super sad. As Ses. Van put it, there were enough tears in that room to fill up a baptismal font. The training was amazing and super inspiring. We talked a lot about just working super hard and setting a great base for President Pohořelicky and all of us were just so sad that the McConkies are leaving. They were there for all of us when we started our missions and it's going to be weird, but good to have a new president. At the end of the training, the McConkies (the whole family) stood like a funeral procession at the back of the chappel and said goodbye to each one of us. President was weeping, Sister McConkie was weeping, the kids were weeping, and every missionary was weeping. It was a rough day. At the end of the training, right before we all had to run to catch our train, all the Slovak sisters snuck a selfie with President, and I'll be sure to send it. :)

I know that our new president is called of God to serve at this time in this place, and I know that he'll do a lot of good for the mission and for these two countries. But I also know the McConkies will certainly be missed. I am really excited to work hard though and show the new president what Czech/Slovak missionaries are made of! It's going to be a great couple of weeks!

I know God is real, and he only sends the best to this mission. We're going to work hard and rock it for our new president and for the Lord. The church is true and these people need to hear it!

Have a wonderful week everyone! 

s laskou,

Sestra Schaerrer
Us with President, with Ses. McConkie, with Pepo after he got the priesthood, and Ses. Van flooded our dishwasher... We had never used it before haha :)


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